HomeMesta Leaves Mix (Gongura)
Mesta Leaves Mix (Gongura)
Mesta Leaves Mix (Gongura)Mesta Leaves Mix (Gongura)
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Mesta Leaves Mix (Gongura)

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8% off
Product Description

Sun-Dried Mesta leaves help in cooling the body temperature and reduce inflammation. Often people feel cutting and cleaning the leaves is much time-consuming activity, but with the mix of mesta powder, we can feel relief and use it with full nutritious benefits. It has Beta carotene pigment and it is a potent antioxidant that may help benefit the brain, skin, lung, and eye health.

Net weight 100 grams Mesta Mix Tin

Additional Sources:

100 grams of Mesta mix powder is made up of 1kg fresh Mesta leaves.

For every 250 grams, we can use 2 tablespoons of Mesta mix powder.

It is a 100% solar-dried product.

100% Vegetarian.

NO ADDED Preservatives.


Zero airflows to ensure no bacteria form.

Zero humidity to ensure no fungus inside the chamber. 

Best Before (Shelf Value):12 months


 Gongura leaf dried

Red chili flakes

Sesame seeds



Garlic powder


Sunflower seeds

Health Benefits:


Prevents cancer

Prevents Hypertension 

Prevents urinary tract infection  

Improves hair growth

Prevents Iron deficiency 

Increases Immunity 

Helps to sleep better


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